Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Windows 7: Eclipse CDT + OpenGL + MinGW Part 3

First, pick a place that you won't delete and create the following folders:

  • include
  • lib
  • bin
Now, what are these things going to be for?

FreeGLUT is an up-to-date version of the popular GLUT kit. It makes OpenGL easier to work with by providing windows and some other functionality for you (making the windows is a platform specific thing that is just plain lame and a fucking drag to do in order to get a spinning fucking cube. Fuck.). It's cross platform but doesn't work well on OSX I believe.

GLFW is an alternative to FreeGLUT. It provides windowing and input and some other stuff. Works well on Windows/Linux/OSX. My favorite (o^_^)b.

GLEW allows you to easily enable any extensions you may need. The alternative is sheer torture (maybe not at first but eventually). GLEW it.


  1. Go to :
  2. Click: "freeglut MinGW Package".
  3. Alternatively, you can follow this link:
  4. Get the zip file and expand it.
  5. Copy the freeGLUT bin .dll's to your bin folder you made.
  6. Copy the freeGLUT include contents ( copy the entire GL folder ) and put it into the include folder you made.
  7. Copy the freeGLUT lib contents into the lib folder you made.
  1. Go to
  2. Download the latest zipped version.
  3. Unzip the package.
  4. Open up the console (WindowsKey + R).
  5. In the windows explorer go to the folder and copy the path from the top of the window.
  6. Go back to the console.
  7. Type "cd ". Space after the cd.
  8. Paste the path you copied and press enter to travel to the folder in the console.
  9. In the console, go to the unzipped folder where the Makefile is.
  10. Run the command "make win32-msys".
  11. If the command errors out then check the "readme.html" for instructions on what other commands to use. I'm pretty sure the error will tell you the options for running the make.
  12. After a few seconds, the console should spew info about the build.
  13. Copy the include/bin/lib stuff like you did before.
  14. Note that you should add the new include/GL stuff to the folder you've already made.
  1. Go to and download the latest ZIP.
  2. Don't get the binaries, you will be building it yourself yo.
  3. Unzip the package, console to it, make.
  4. Copy the bin/lib/include stuff like before.

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