Monday, March 4, 2013

GLFX Build with VS2012

If you get an error about a version 1600 not being 1700 when you use MSVC2012 to build a project with GLFX, then it means you need to compile GLFX for yourself.

So, here is how I did it (like 1 minute ago).

  1. Grab the glfx source.
  2. Open the vs2010 project in vs2012.
  3. In the solution, right click on the bold project "glfx".
  4. Goto "Resources".
  5. Note the project referenced, "glew_static".
  6. You'll need to get the glew source and add the project to the glfw solution, then add it as a reference.
  7. So, remove the old glew static reference inside of glfx references.
  8. Add your own, "my_glu\build\vc10\glew_static.vcxproj".
  9. Add a glfx reference to the project you just added to the solution.
  10. Your build should now work.
  11. Goto glfx/Debug (or Release if you built that?), and grab a copy of the .lib to use in your project.
Whamo, that should do it.

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