Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Windows 7: Eclipse CDT + OpenGL + MinGW Part 2

Eclipse CDT C++ plugin( 4.2.0 = Juno )
  1. Open Eclipse.
  2. Go to Help > Install new software > Work with.
  3. Paste in:
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Expand "CDT Main Features".
  6. Turn on "C/C++ Development Tools"
  7. Expand "CDT Optional Features"
  8. Turn on: " C/C++ GCC Cross Compiler Support", "C/C++ GDB Hardware Debugging", "C/C++ Memory View Enhancements", "C/C++ Unit Testing Support", "C99 LR Parser", "CDT Visual C++ Support".
  9. Press Next, Finish, w/e. Just go through the installation steps, accept things, until it tells you that it needs to restart.
  10. Allow Eclipse to restart.
  1. Go to:
  2. Click on (The link will look something like this)"Download mingw-get-inst-20120426.exe (662.7 kB)"
  3. Run the installer.
  4. Say that you want the latest version from teh webz.
  5. Let it do it's thing. Go grab a drink or something.
  6. Go to wherever you installed it and make note of the path to the mingw bin (by default this is C:\MinGW\bin).
  7. Also make note of the mingw msys bin (by default this is C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin).
  8. Copy these 2 paths onto the end of your system PATH.
  9. To append these to the path, go to windows start and enter the string "advanced".
  10. Click "View advanced system settings".
  11. Click "Environment Variables".
  12. Go to the "System variables" region at the bottom.
  13. Scroll down to "PATH" and click edit.
  14. Go to the end of this possibly long bigass string and enter a semicolon ";" to separate the last entry from the ones you want to add.
  15. Add the two paths to mingw bin and msys bin (separate these by ";").
  16. Test if you have mingw working now by opening up the console and running make.
  17. Press WindowsKey + R. This will open up RUN.
  18. Type cmd.
  19. Press enter.
  20. Run the command: "make --version".
  21. Run the command: "g++ --version".
  22. If these commands don't error out and complain about something then you are good to go with mingw!

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