Friday, May 4, 2012

gDEBugger you a good life

Debugging graphics can be a pain. It definitely takes an amount of skill and knowledge that comes to you slowly over whats perhaps a long period of practice. Seeing an ambiguous error pop up and knowing that it has something to do with a color inside of a texture on the graphics device is something that may not be obvious to some.

There exists an amazing gift from humanity to itself (specifically the amazing developers at Graphic Remedy ), and it is called gDEBugger. Simply put it is a must have tool that will change the way you develop OpenGL applications for the better, without question. It's like Pix for DirectX (but I think it may be older and thus the original).

Some of it's features include pausing/breaking execution, examining every texture/buffer active, a performance report of your number of OpenGL calls made a frame, frame rate, examining the depth buffer and adjusting the Z-Near/Far, inverting textures, a full report of every active uniform on the device, all shaders in use, which shader program is currently active (I even think you can edit them in real time for hot changes, haven't tried it though so don't quote me), and tons more things like bottleneck locating by either killing all graphics, setting the view port to a 1x1 stenciled pixel... tons of stuff. This tool is a must.

You can get it for FREE. It's free. That's insane:

So yea. Don't say I never gave you anything lol.

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